versions of the writings

Versions of the writings

There is little left to say about the countless versions of writings that report on the Eternal. Nevertheless, something needs to be said about it.

It is important not to rely on a single font unless it is the original font. The original writing on the Eternal was written in the Torah in Hebrew and has since been copied only 1:1. So anyone who can read the Torah in Hebrew has a clear advantage. This word has been passed down unadulterated from generation to generation for thousands of years and has only ever been copied. Before reading, one should make sure that one knows the ancient Hebrew language and is informed about the culture of the scribes and the scribes' time.

If one cannot, for whatever reason, enjoy reading the Torah in Hebrew, one should at least read it in a close and good translation into the native language. Only then should you start studying. Afterwards, other writings, such as the books of the prophets or the Bible, the Koran or other books, can be consulted. Because without the original word, other words are sometimes incomprehensible.

It is also important to know that it is definitely advisable to read books other than the Torah. Because there are also many other people living and living on this planet who have thought a lot about the topic and then recorded them in writings. So, as we advance in faith, we can all benefit from the thoughts of many.

What's even more important, however, is that you don't overvalue or idealize anyone. All people are people. From their childhood onwards, they are shaped by their environment, upbringing, culture and, last but not least, by the individual experiences they have had over the course of their lives. So people's thoughts can be valuable if they correspond to the words of the Torah. That's why we have to check everything we ever read for this truth content, so that we are not tempted to carry on impure ideas and possibly even talk about them, or even unconsciously promote lies. Important to know: Prophets were also only human and none of them were as perfect as the Eternal One.

It is important to mention again that we humans do not have the right to judge other people. Therefore, hold off on opinions and new insights until you are sure what it means. And still allow other opinions, because no person is infallible. And just because I or my ancestors were or are convinced of something does not mean that it is right. Only the Eternal alone knows what is right. So let us let him alone judge.

Let us treat every person with respect and dignity, because everyone was created by the Eternal. We are all His creatures and deserve to be treated lovingly - no matter what mistakes we have made or are making, no matter how we think or express ourselves. The Eternal alone must judge this!

So use the word in its most original, discoverable version. Compares newer versions with the Torah to check their veracity. Incidentally, books of the "New Testament" were also found in Hebrew, which are said to be significantly older than the Greek and Latin writings. And never try the word of what is written without understanding the background of the writer's culture. Because this always plays a role, sometimes less, sometimes more, in a translation.

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